Kids in the Waiting Room is a Ghent based electro-accoustic indie-rock band fronted by actor and musician Thomas Van Caeneghem. After completing his master's degree in dramatic arts at LUCA School of Arts, Leuven Thomas teamed up with Rob Banken (H A S T) and Trui Amerlinck (Ivy Falls, Tsar B) to form the music-theatre collective Lieden Op Zee. As time went by the actor - known from Belgian tv shows such as Gevoel voor Tumor and Loslopend Wild - started writing music for a less theatrical setting. 


Simon Raman (Steiger, Ivy Falls) 


Kobe Boon (Steiger, Mòs Ensemble)


Thomas Van Caeneghem 


Artan Buleshkaj (Madame Blavatsky, H A S T) 


Jonas Desmet (Madame Blavatsky, Shore Shot) 


(c) Björn Comhaire - Handelsbeurs Concertzaal
(c) Björn Comhaire - Handelsbeurs Concertzaal

Kids in the Waiting Room could best be described as a raw blend of electronic and acoustic elements. Imagine James Blake and The Notwist having some sort of twisted love child. Indie-rock coming from a brutally honest and imaginative place. Melancholy song-writing with sharp edges.